steer 2 servo VS. heading 2 steer

I'm trying to help a friend setup a rover (really a hovercraft). Please help me understand the diffence between steer 2 servo and heading 2 steer settings.

Are they two nested PIDS? when setting them what is each used for?

Thank you, I can't find any documentation on steer 2 servo.


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  • Admin


    You must have a very old version of the ArduRover2 firmware?

    The latest versions of the ArduRover2 firmware (L1) no longer make use of the heading 2 steer parameter.

    I suggest that you use ArduRover2 stable version 2.45 or later beta versions found here: Link.

    Rover tuning instructions can be found here: ArduRover Wiki

    The Full Parameter List, found in the MP under the Config/Tuning Tab (Advanced View) generally has explanations of the ArduRover parameters.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

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