Sudden APM.1 failure - help !

Sorry, posted this inadvertantly in quite the wrong section before

.Can anybody help me ?  I have recently uploaded Arduplane 2.28 to my APM v1 2650. I uploaded waypoints and geo-fence data to it using Mission Planner  1.1.26 but now I have a problem.  I do not see the leds flashing for the imu calibration after start up – the APM goes straight to LED A (green) solid. I cannot get attitude data back to MP either via the USB link or by telemetry  (neither does it work with the HK GCS). If I run an IMU test with the CLI/Terminal program I seem to get sensible data. All other aspects of the APM seem to function correctly i.e. writing/reading the eeprom , running tests for other functions under CLI, ppm input and servo operation.

What could have gone wrong?

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  • Well I've persevered. Erased the 2560 chip  and re-installed bootloader. Re-loaded AP v 2.28 with Mission Planner - same problem!

    But here's the odd thing:

    I loaded the Arducopter code (also using MP) and hey presto the board functions perfectly. IMU data shows up on MP screen and telem works.

    I go back to Arduplane and - yes you guessed it - back to the same problem.

    I begins to look to me as if it's a code/MP problem and not the APM board at all.

    Has anyone else experienced this, or does anybody have an idea as to what could be going wrong ?

    At least I know that I don't need a new APM board.

  • Admin


    Did you clear the EEPROM after the upload?

    Just a thought.



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