System identification for Multi-rotors

i have noticed the lack of research in the past 2 years (2014-2016) on system identification on quadcopters (multicopters in general). Back in 2013, i built my 1st APM based Quadcopter, and took advantage of the power that the open source provides. I started collecting data and analyzing it thanks to mission planner and of course the DIY Drones community, Using that data i conducted my 1st research paper in 2015 (Identification of quadcopter hovering using experimental data) . Now that I'm expanding my work, i'm supposed to update my references, and read about whats going on lately, but unfortunately not much out there to read ! Another thing is ...since the the whole point of identifying a system to obtain the model is to design a good control algorithm that suits the model, almost no one is getting to the control part. so maybe the control part is the new challenging part ?, or maybe since the challenging part is done (obtaining model) , the control design is not challenging enough for anyone to be bothered with ? Please .. share us your thoughts and ideas , and definitely your research !

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