
I've just followed the below article to show telemetry on Taranis but it doesn't work


D4R-II : firm upgraded for 8 channel cppm

Pixhawk : AP 3.2.3 , AC 3.2 ( Both tried )

Is there anyone who has succeeded with the above article?


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  • I'm having the same trouble. Connected it just like you and using the latest 3.3 rc1.

    Tried changing the baud settings for serial port #2 with no luck.

    Any luck getting it to work?


    • No ... it still doesn't work...-.- How about you Robin? what's your rx?

      • Got it to work using 3.3 RC3 and RC4. You have to update to the latest build of mission planner and set the serial port to "3" for the FrSky

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