Hi - i'm thinking of selling this thing but i'm trying to figure out how to price it. I have well over 1K into it if you count the Gopro 3 but I am going to hold onto that. Here's what I've got - The copter, rails for gimbal, Tarot T2D Gimbal, Taranis X9D (not plus) and X8R and 3 telemetry modules - GPS, Vario and Voltmeter. it has the APM 2.6 FC with ublox GPS. It's got 3 spare motors and a variety of other parts. I replaced the GPS, one of the arms twice, put on the extended legs. I've got a few switches for the Taranis. Would be a nice kit for someone but just the Taranis and the gimbal - with the telemetry modules are probably worth $400. Any thoughts on this welcome.

Reason for selling - I'd like to fund a Phantom 3 Advanced. I've got the Runner 250 and we live in a motorhome. No room for two bigger quads.


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