when i fly the plane making min throttle zero in the settings, it will come back to me in RTL. However, I've never activated the failsafe by turning radio off.  Maybe it won't come back then?

so is it ok to leave min throttle to zero to otherwise prevent motor from turning on in "stabilize" mode?

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  • T3
    Try this setting:
    Throttle passthru in stabilize (ArduPlane:THR_PASS_STAB)
    Note: This parameter is for advanced users

    If this is set then when in STABILIZE, FBWA or ACRO modes the throttle is a direct passthru from the transmitter. This means the THR_MIN and THR_MAX settings are not used in these modes. This is useful for petrol engines where you setup a throttle cut switch that suppresses the throttle below the normal minimum.
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