Unflyable Hexa on 2.8.1

I have a hexacopter with fairly strong motors.  I'm using I2C ESCs from Mikrocopter.  I've been flying it on older versions (like 2.5) and custom versions of code (after converting motor control to I2C).  I decided to try 2.8.1.  I inherited the motor class and created my own I2C Hexa motor class with no problems.  (BTW I like the new class structure.  Its cleaner)  I've got the motors running and directions seem correct.  Gyro corrections also seem correct.


My problem is in flying it.  I can't even get it off the ground in Rate or Stabilize mode!  I've mainly played with the Rate PID.  I zeroed I, D, and ran P from 0.001 -> 0.4.  The numbers made a difference.  The big numbers made it unstable quickly and the low numbers made it unstable not as fast.  It randomly picks a direction to flip over in.  I can force the direction with the Tx stick.


I do know from holding it that the P of 0.09 felt OK but the hexa rapidly flips/rolls if I'm not restricting it.  P of 0.001 really didn't give me any control input (as expected).


BTW I did erase the EEPROM and level/setup the hexa code.


Anyone have any ideas?  My only other next step is to go back to 2.5 and see if that still works.





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  • Forgot to mention I'm using an APM1 with oilpan, mag, and GPS.

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