Hi Everyone,

I am compiling a customized Arducopter 3.2.1 firmware.

Compiles good with the Arduino for ardupilot IDE and use mission planner to upload the hex file.

I successfully uploaded my firmware once but wanted to change some things (minimal code changes) so i recompile and reupload.

bang, Upload succeeded but verify failed. and now i always get the error.

What i tried so far:

-Update misson planner: didn't work.

-Recompile code, check something missing: didn't work.

-Uploading the firmware from internet via Mission planner works fine no errors and can connect the board.

The error has this patern so far: Upload succeeded but verify failed exp XY got 0 in 245760

always get 0 where it expected something...

I would very much  apreciate any light on this matter,



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  • Found the problem and will reply to myself here in case it is helpfull to anyone.

    I have been using multiple arduino enviroments, The custom one for APM and the Latest one from their web.

    Somehow using both to compile different projects (been working with other arduino devices) broke the compiler and compilation was not being made correctly.

    I installed the arduino for APM IDE on another file and transfered my files there. works fine.

    hope it helps someone...



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