VERY succesful flight

I would just like to say that I got the first opportunity to fly at an inside football pitch today, I have flown outside in both light and strong wind many times now and its good, but today with no wind was exceptional.

The cuad drifts maybe 0.5 m/s in a rearward direction , but that could just as easily be a transmitter problem as anything else. other than that, it stays in one place almost perfectly, and the altitude hold is pretty good, although changes with battery level.

YAW is also good when there is no wind, i had almost no altitude change when yawing, and even when yawing at full yaw, about 0.5 meter a second drop in altittude,

All in all, VERY VERY impressive, almost as stable as the Professional ones i use,

all i need to do now is work out why it lands instead of loiters,

Thanks very much to all who have put the hard work into the coding and support.

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