Washington DC TFR in Mission Planner is incorrect

Mission Planner is showing a TFR that envelopes half the mid atlantic.  This is not correct.  It appears to show an inner ring, the correct size of the SFRA. Then there is some strange 60nm radius outer ring that should not exist.  There is no TFR extending out 60nm from DCA.

The SFRA is a 30nm ring around DCA.  The SFRA does not prohibit model aircraft, and as such it should not be on the map.  The DC FRZ, which is an inner ring, does prohibit model aircraft.  The FRZ is about half the size of the SFRA.  The FRZ should be on the map.  The SFRA shouldn't.  And what is on the map now is completely wrong.

I love that Mission Planner is including TFRs now. It shows we're all being proactive and it's good for people who don't know any better too.  But this one has to be corrected.

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  • I just fired up mission planner since my Thanksgiving crash and I am noticing an opaque ring in DC and a larger white ring in mission planner. Are we talking about the same thing, here? Also do you know if there is a what to turn off the ring in MP?

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