Weird issue with IRIS+/Pixhawk

Hi folks. Just flew my Iris for the fourth time this evening. I've flown it a few times before with no problems at all. Today I flew it with the Tarrot gimbal for the first time.

After about 2 minutes of successful maneuvering around the garden, the power suddenly started becoming unresponsive and irregular. After a few seconds like this the Iris landed as it was moving forward and tilted over on its head. The props started spinning wildly for a few seconds and then the Iris shut down automatically.

Since then, I have not been able to fly it this evening. My flight right after experienced the same "throttle" issue - even after restarting both the controller and the iris. The Iris doesn't take off of the ground properly, and the props response to throttle seems off, almost delayed or lagging in a sense. At mid-throttle, it still just sits there.

Please can someone tell me what is wrong?

I have uploaded the logs I was able to download from the Iris after. I dont know what to make of them.
Hope you can help!

2015-06-16 21-15-58.log

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  • 3D Robotics

    I assume the battery is charged?

    • Indeed - I charged it to 100% after I got it. Just tested it again. Iris starts up normally, I arm it, props start spinning at low speed, I start increasing throttle slowly, nothing happens, I increase it more, nothing happens, I get to 50%-70% throttle, and at this point its hard to predict what happens. In one case around 50-60% after a few seconds, it suddenly out of nowhere throttles up really quickly. Another time, I throttled all up to 100% and nothing happened for 2-3 seconds, then again same deal, it suddenly out of no where increases throttle and is partly irresponsive to my reduction in throttle unless I set it way back down to 0%... 

      I have the gimbal on there, plugged into the right pins... 


      • 3D Robotics

        Are you sure you're not just taking off in Loiter mode? Remember that it's heavier with the gimbal, so it may throttle up differently. (In Loiter mode the throttle is not controlling the throttle, but rather the altitude)

        And needless to say, you should recharge after every flight session. I'd charge the battery again and try after that.

        • Thank you Chris, but unfortunately not. Quick answer since the forum just apparently deleted my long answer here.

          I think it is just me being surprised about the effect of adding the weight of the gimbal Just flew it in Loiter and Standard mode. It works, but just less fast in responding to throttle. Im guessing this is normal? WIthout the gimbal I wouldjust hit the throttle up 20% and it would easily lift up immediately, now I get it to 30-50% and I have to wait a few seconds, then I can hear the props speeding up slowly more and more and then suddenly it takes off.


  • 2015-06-16 21-23-00.log

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