
I'm currently building a new hexacopter equipped with Pixhawk HK clone and I wonder what happens in case one of the motors or esc fails during the flight ? I mean how does a Pixhawk react to this event when using the latest firmware ? Does it trigger failsave and starts to spin around itself ? Does it land automatically ?

Thanks !

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  • From first hand experience on an X8, you might not even notice anything has happened if you don't spot of the props isn't spinning at any speed.



    • but on X6 this might look different right..

      • Not sure about X6...I think they are called Y6 if you mean coaxials, I think it should cope if it has enough power, but that is a guess.

        • as far as I am aware arducopte just tried to keep flying if it can, it doesn't flag up the error, so no fail safes. lookig at my log when it happened you can see the motor outs change to cope, but no error message.

          • OK thanks for info. I hope I will never experience such thing but I need to be prepared what may happen.. especially when you have expensive camera onboard..

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