
I like to start to buy me a drone for aerial Photo/Video.

Can someone list or suggest me the parts I have to buy to construct a fully working drone?

I already have a Spectrum DX6i transmitter and I assume it can be used for control the drone!?

This is what I think I need for bulding, please add & correct where nessesary:

1. Transmitter (I already have) Spectrum DX6i

2. Receiver - suggetions welcome.

3. Pixhawk flight controller

4. GPS and compas - suggestion welcome.

5. Hexacopter frame - Aliminium or Carbone - advice needed?

6. Motors - suggestions welcome.

7. ESC Speedcontroller's - suggestions welcome.

8. Props for a Hexacopter?

9. All that I forget to buy please add :-)

I don't want to buy a full kit as I like to buy the frame somewhere else.

Thanks in advance for any reaction, advice & suggestions.



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  • Sorry for the long response time.  If you want to go with 12 inch props then you will need a lower kv motor like the 800kv. If you want to use 1000-1100kv then you should use a 9" prop. If you use a higher kv with larger props the current load gets too high for the motors and you will probably burn out a motor. Faster spinning props have been know to cancel out jello effect. Trade off is lower kv is longer flight time with larger props. 800kv with 6000mah 4S you may get 12 minute flying time. With 1000 and 9" you may get 9. 

    You are correct the 30A esc do not come opto. You can actually just pull out the middle 5v wire of the esc. I do this on a tricopter. There are many speed controllers out their. I've used some cheap ones and burned them up as they got really hot even though I probably had only 1/2 to 1/3 of their rated capacity of current running through them. The hobby wing fun fly have been really good for me. I've heard good things about Afro ESC.

    The items I've listed are products i've used and IMO are decent for the price. 

    • Well so far I have ordered:

      1. Pixhawk PX4 (clone) open-hardware Flight Controller

      2. GPS + Compass (not from 3DR) with LEA-6H

      3. Tarot FY690S Hexa frame + 680Pro canopy

      4. ESC's from ZTW Spider 30A 4-6s OPTO with SimonK version 11.9.2013

      I still have to buy:

      1. FrSky Receiver (that wil work with the Pixhawk)?

      2. Battery 4s or 5s 5000mAh (I can't deside yet)

      3. Six props that goes with the motor?

      4. Six brushless motor's for  4S (14.8v) or 5S (18.5v)

      I have to make a choice between 4S and 5S, however if I understand correctly I can choose a motor that is capable for S4-S6 cells and than I only have to upgrade the battery pack.

      However these motor's are cheap and looks promising for 4S:

      LD-Power MT3508 700KV


      But again what props to choose for this motor!?

      I realy need advice on that since I'm confused because I dont understand.

      Thanks for the help, realy appriciated!!!

      LD-Power MT3508 700KV Brushless Motor for Multicopter (3-4S) | LD-Power
      LD-Power MT3508 700KV Brushless Motor for Multicopter (3-4S) from manufacturer LD-Power, in category Electric Brushless Motors - Outrunner, (Brushle…
  • 1. Does your radio support DSM2? Basically is their a partial X to the right of the lcd screen? Regardless if you plan on controlling the camera and or gimbal a 6 channel radio does not support enough channels. However this transmitter would be excellent to control just the camera. Owning one I would highly recommend a FRSKY Taranis. 

    2. For the camera system I would use a cheap DSM2 receiver such as the orange receiver and a X8R receiver from Taranis. The Pixhawk requires the signal to be CPPM which the FRSky supports.

    3. Pixhawk Flight Controller. This includes a power module which is good up to 4s batteries to power the pixhawk

    4. I would use the GPS receiver that is offered as an option with the Pixhawk

    5. Endless choices here but a good kit is Tarot FY680 frame full 3k carbon fiber. Replacement parts are cheap

    6. Sunnysky v2216 kv800

    7. Hobbywing funfly 30A opto a.k.a. does not provide power on control wires

    8. Props 10-12 inch start with 12x38

    9. Start with 4S 5000mah batteries and work your way up to larger capacities

    10. 3dr radio legal in your part of the world. Typically 915mhz in U.S. and 433mhz for the rest of the world

    11. Brushless Gimbal sized for GO Pro with controller

    12. Blue locktite

    Now this is very DIY and will require quite a bit of time soldering and putting peaces together. Your other options are DJI or Walkera. 

    • A2212 1000KV

      About these suggestions:

      6. Sunnysky v2216 kv800

      7. Hobbywing funfly 30A opto a.k.a. does not provide power on control wires

      8. Props 10-12 inch start with 12x38

      6. Does it have to be 800kv motor or are 900kv and 1000kv also suitable motors?

      7. I can not find any Funfly 30A opto, only 40A with the OPTO in description.

      can I buy equivalent of 30A ESC instead, if yes, what schould I take in mind when I purchase?

      8. 12x38 are big props, for example I read somewhere 10x4.5 is ideal for A2212 1000KV motor for e Hexacopter.

    • Thank you so much Bob for your time & effort to list me so much information!!!!

      Now I'm sweet for the next days for research and read, read, reading ;-)

      However about that transmitter FRSKY Taranis, is this better than the Spektrum transmitters?

      And can I use the same receivers as the Spectrum modems does?

      • The FRSKY have been a very good radio and cost about $210US and includes a receiver. I just think a 6 channel radio is going to limit what you can do. You need 4 channels just for throttle/rudder/aileron/elevator. I would then use one switch for return to launch and create a mix for your flight modes. This doesn't leave you any channels left to control your camera. You can always hit record and then take off  but you won't have any control over a gimbal unless you add another transmitter.

        If you already own a receiver I would start with the one you own.

  • We need a little more information. What type and weight is the camera you are planning on using? How long do you want to fly fore? And most important how much do you want to spend?

    • Hi Rob,

      As for the camera I was thinking to choose between these camera's:

      1. GoPro 3 (weight +/- 100gr)

      2. AEE MagiCam SD22W  (weight 115gr)

      3. HoryzonHD V3 (weight +/- 50gr)

      It would be nice if I have some reserve in lifting weigt lets say maximum 450 grams if I like to do some experiments.

      About the flytime, well between 10 - 15 min is just fine but 20min (if possible) I will go for that ;-)

      Aha, what is my intended budget for the drone, well lets say I wil buy each month some parts to make it payble for a simple Hobbyist like me.

      This way the money I spend is spreaded but in the end the maximum is +/- 1500,00 Euro's ($2.030,00 USD).

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