Who decides?

To whomever decides the default tuning parameters in the next public release....

I, and probably a few others, would like to avoid spending a lot of time tuning my parameters.  In the past, up to 2.8.1, the default parameters were almost good enough for my needs.  Relatively stable, predictable and safe. I don't mind adjusting the Rate-P for my larger motors and heavier craft, but I want the defaults to be a pretty safe compromise to start from.

Here's my suggestion: Two default parameters.

One for the high performance aerobatic flyer whose craft are never in the same position or attitude for more than a few milliseconds.  And the other for the heavy camera platforms that fly and perform like a battleship.

As most of you know from my posts, I am in the battleship class.  I just want to be able to program a mission, fly for photos or video, and return to land.  I don't think that I am alone in this mode.

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  • Yeah the defaults are aimed at a pretty middle of the road beast, something not too powerful, with a hover point naturally around 50% throttle. I think following your suggestion would mean that we would need 3 defaults. Unneccesary in my opinion.


    If you have a very powerful machine or want very gentle, (at the risk of being slightly vague) controls you will probably need to start with rate_P much lower (if the default is 0.15, I'd start at 0.075 for a big octo), working slowly up from there. Other than that most other stuff will be very similar. The loiter params 'shouldn't' need tuning, throttle only if you are having probs.


    Every different setup will benefit from tuning, whether it be for crazy horse flips or gentle smooth video, just go a bit lower with rate_p and rate_D, and possibly stab_P to make it softer for AP.


    Each machine has its sweet spot where it will just about do both very well, that's what i aim for.



  • I feel we all should be glad that there are a default set of parameters to work with. They were probably arrived at with a general consensus. If a second set were added, then some hobbyists may become unsure on which to choose.

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