Why is the FBW-B speed target constantly changing.


Sorry to blat this site with more questions but I have some time off and got lots of data from the weekends flying.


In FBW-B I had large speed/power oscillations so started adjusting PIDs in the field. It seemed to improve but think I have just noticed the real reason.

If I replay the tlog with targetairspeed and airspeed graphed, I see the targetairspeed constantly up and down between the limits I have set (9,20) and the poor old plane doing a reasonable job of following it (until I dulled its PIDs).

What is driving the target airspeed up and down in FBW-B?

Shall I just close the gap between the limits?


All this time alt holding was good, at least after I discovered the stick was reversed and put it back to normal!



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  • 3692549633?profile=original

    I have no idea why the target speed in FBW-B goes from 16m/s to 9m/s, then back again constantly.

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