Hi everyone, I posted a new video of my series. This time we are going to write a script for tracking a circular trajectory around a waypoint that we provide using Mission Planner.

Be sure you watch the previous video about Drone Delivery as we are going to use a lot of code developed before.

Find the code on my Github

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  • Sir, could you please enlighten how one should go about implementing proportional navigation guidance in Dronekit? 

  • There are multiple way of accomplishing a trajectory tracking. One is setting multiple wp along the trajectory and go from one to the other, like when you plan a mission and set the vehicle in AUTO (for ardupilot). But if you have a smooth and round trajectory and you want to stay on track you can do it by controlling the velocity based on your off-track error, or you can set a leash and track a moving target along the trajectory. 

  • MR60

    I must miss something here, as "trajectory tracking", in Ardupilot,  is simply programming waypoints along the wished path. Or else ?

  • Very nicely done! Thanks for sharing.

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