
Drones provide an “eye in the sky” which can be very useful for water scientists. Many water bodies are often surrounded by difficult terrain, making it difficult to observe changes over time. Extreme droughts like the ones currently in California and Texas make the use of drones for monitoring rivers and lakes especially important.

A multinational team of American, German, and Estonian researchers have teamed up to measure the flows in rivers with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) using a new real-time particle tracking technology.Obtaining the speed of the water in a river traditionally involves engineers wading into the river or using boats outfitted with special equipment for flow measurements. ...

Read more at: http://precisionlanding.irlock.com/?page_id=4364

Centre for Biorobotics

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  • @benbojangles

    For sure! There are quite a few ways to skin the cat. I think the 'IR Pod' system helped them get rapid results thus far, and they are probably considering a variety of options for future work.  

  • What about just recording video and using this software: http://winanalyze.com/

  • Wow, awesome use for IR-Lock!

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