3D Robotics

Update on the DIY Drones dev teams

Those of you who tuned into the podcast this week heard that we're in high gear here at DIY Drones getting ready to release the next generation of ArduPilot, ArduPilot Mega. As always, this is a community effort--the product of dozens of people working for more than a year. So this is an opportunity to call out some of the heroes of the project and a way for people to figure out how they might contribute:
Project Team leaders
ArduPilot hardware (classic & Mega) Jordi Munoz and Nathan Seidle
ArduPilot software (classic & Mega) Jason Short and Doug Weibel
ArduIMU hardware Jordi Munoz
ArduIMU software Jose Julio, Doug Weibel and Jordi Munoz
ArduPilot Mega IMU shield Jordi Munoz and Jose Julio
Ground station software Igor Koruga
Configuration utility HappyKillmore
ArduStation Mega Sarel Wagner
Telemetry data structure Mikko Saarisalo
Documentation Chris Anderson

Each of those team leaders typically has a few other contributors working with them; in total we probably have about two dozen core developers. These project are all sized to work best with small teams, so we're careful about adding too many new folks, but we also depend on the community to drive the project forward. So if you would like to contribute to one of these efforts, please comment below.
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  • 3D Robotics
    Looking good!
  • Mega Ground Station mechanical mock ups.


    The guts for the mock up.


  • Thanks Doug Weibel!

    I have updated this section with last working versions.

    I deduce from your avatar that you're also a glider pilot, right?
  • Developer
    ArduPilot 2.6 is at a semi-stable beta test state, but I have lots of new functionality that I will be adding soon.

    @Danielle - the gps checksum error rate on ArduIMU has not been excessive. You can expand the buffer if you want but I don't see it as necessary. The groundstart/airstart modes are meant to function with ArduPilot. If you are not using ArduPilot just turn off the airstart option in the configuration and you will always get a groundstart on power up - no pushbutton necessary. I will review your other suggested enhancement. Thank you.
  • Developer
    Well ArduPilotMega:

    -Final modifications for mass production, updated logo.

    Possible candidate for the shield or pan oil is already on the batching factory.
  • Admin
    Don't ask, just do it :) and upload it some were and post the link, some one will verify and add it to wiki later. Thanks
  • Hi guys,
    are you intrested in having the ardupilot manual traslated in Italian (wich can be easily translated in spanish,there is a huge fpv community in spain, by google)??
    If yes just send me a PM I' ll be glad to help
  • ArduMega Ground station Schematics were completed, hardware was received last week so the mock up for board layout has started. We hope to finish this in the next week or 2, work pressure permitting. We have a good idea of where the components need to go on the board. They will all fit.

    The layout of the actual copper is not easy, Jordi is making us prove our skills by keeping this board as a 2 layer board..... It will be a challenge to get all the tracks sorted with the best possible EMI/RFI since there will be little space for ground planes etc.

  • Developer
    Maybe Teams can post their progress here.
    2.5.03 is done, although I may post a patch to fix some formatting issues.
    Doug has taken the reins and is rapidly finishing 2.6.
  • Hi,
    I have placed some issue at http://code.google.com/p/ardu-imu/issues/list.
    If you have no problems I can suggest more enhancements.

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