3DR GPS Connector

I was positioning the 3DR GPS board on my frame when I noticed the red LED light on the GPS board was going on and off.  I took a look at the connector on the board and the solder joints look good, but when I wiggle the wires at that connector the GPS seems to power on and off.


Has anyone else noticed this?  I’m wondering for those people who have botched missions due to GPS issues might be experiencing this same problem.


The board and wire harness are brand new so I’m wondering if I should contact the store to see if I have a problem here.


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  • I wonder if its the metal pin on the connecting wire being loose and when you push down on the wire it loses contact. Might be worth getting another connector and trying it out. If it happens again then you can focus on the boards female connector or other problems.

    Definitely is shorting out when you move the wires. I haven't had this problem myself, but it may be worth a look at getting another connector.
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