3DR Solo - Running code onboard - Help needed

Hi guys,

I am having a little trouble running the helloworld example for solo developers (http://dev.3dr.com/example-helloworld.html) and I was hoping some one could shed some light on this for me. I have been following the development guide to run solo scripts onboard. I can run helloworld.py from my PC using:

git clone https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide1
cd solodevguide/examples/helloworld
python helloworld.py

This runs fine without any issues, but when I try to run it onboard solo it fails. I do the following commands:

solo script pack

This command successfully creates the file: solo-script.tar.gz

I then try to run:

solo script run helloworld.py

but it fails with the following error:

' File "/log/solo-script/helloworld.py", line 1, in from dronekit import connect
ImportError: No module named dronekit

Since I can run it on the ground station pc without any issues I am guessing that the solo script run command is failing because I am missing some files on my solo? I thought dronekit was already included onboard... I am currently lost on how to fix this so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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