Adding servo to aux channel 1 - How do I do it?!

I've been stuck on this for a while. How do you set up a spare channel to run a servo through the aux outputs?

This is what I have tried:

Go to APM planner > Initial setup icon > Optional setup > Camera gimbal

Then assign 'Tilt' to RC9 and set input channel to, say, Ch7 which I have spare.

I am told elsewhere the RC9 outputs to output 1 on the pixhawk (also know as pin 50 apparently)

[If all this is true, why would you make RC9=Output 1=Pin 50! Why not have just one descriptor of the same thing?]

So if I have all that correct then all I need to do is stick my server into connection 1. Then I need to add a 5v power supply to any of the other pins 2-6. All being well I can then control something through the output? 

I have tried this but think I'm missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)


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  • Admin


    Have you read this portion of the Wiki concerning the Pixhawk Aux analog output channels Link ?



    • Thanks. I'm returing to this after a break. I'll take a look. cheers.

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