APM in a Cessna 182?

Hey everyone. I've been flying and doing 'missions' with my Arducopter for the last few months. Everything is working great and it's lots of fun. I've been seeing lots of videos of fixed wing aircraft using the AMP 2.5. I'd love to give one a try. I have a basic Cessna 182 that I've flown a few times, would this be a good plane to start out with (since I already have it)? Any advice is appreciated.


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  • The APM will fly your Cessna fine. If you've got a bunch of hours you'll be fine. Most likely way you destroy it is not checking control surface deflections or something. I'm sure you'll be fine. Have fun!
  • Developer
    The stock params will fly your Cessna fine. Tuning will help make that better. As eagle says, if your plane has some value to you a $50 foamie is a good test platform. I'm using the Bixler original and it's pretty robust. My next plane project that I am building is a Eagle II (old kit) 63" wingspan. It probably won't bounce as well as a foamie ;-) but I love the larger format and heavier construction. The bixler is so light it doesn't sometimes want to descend :-o
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