Arducopter Support for uneven Hexa TY6 H6

I have been digging some answers for a while but had very little success. And it seems to point that ArduCopter Mega doesnt support uneven Hexa/Octo. But I could be wrong.


Does arducopter mega support the following

- SpiderHexa

- TY6 (Q4 Icecrab) IceCrab VD-SLR 6

- H6


Or is it possible to reconfigure so that ACM will support them?


Oh I forgot I am a complete noob in multirotor but have experience on heli and airplanes. I know the Hexa frame is about to be launch soon as Jani mentioned but this frame arrangement is pretty interesting specially for AP/AV



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  • Thanks Dani, you have a very good point. Just wondering how those guys running the icecrab and spider hex made their setup seems so stable specially with the icecrab that had a sample video with a mark II 5D.
  • There is v-octo configuration in just reliesed version 2.0.26!
  • I plan to do this arrangement







    Motor   Pitch   Roll   Yaw
    1 FrontLeft CW  42% 100% -
    6 BackLeft CCW  -42% 100% +
    5 BackLeft CW  -100% 42% -
    2 FrontRight CCW  42% -100% +
    3 BackRight CW  -42% -100% -
    4 BackRight CCW  -100% -42% + 






    Would this be correct without out of bound values?


    FrontLeftCW = constrain(throttle + (0.42 * control_pitch) + control_roll - control_yaw, minThrottle, 2000);

    BackLeftCCW  = constrain(throttle - (0.42 *control_pitch) + control_roll + control_yaw, minThrottle, 2000);

    BackLeftCW = constrain(throttle - control_pitch + (0.42 * control_roll) - control_yaw, minThrottle, 2000);

    FrontRightCCW = constrain(throttle + (0.42 * control_pitch) - control_roll + control_yaw, minThrottle, 2000);

    BackRightCW = constrain(throttle - (0.42 * control_pitch) - control_roll - control_yaw, minThrottle, 2000);

    BackRightCCW = constrain(throttle - control_pitch - (0.42 * control_roll) + control_yaw, minThrottle, 2000);


    Any comments or suggestions specially criticism? I know I have to check and make sure that the motors are assigned correctly but want to make sure I'm not missing anything. I hope I am on the right path, maybe I need to open a new thread to be more focused.


    Also if anyone knows who can assist in fabricating parts can message me directly. Thanks





  • Hi Jeff,

    I wrote a little doc in ArduPirates Wiki to try to explain how motor mixing works, this should get you started to make your own for almost any shape!



  • I need H6 and V-Octo.


    I am sure its easy - we need just new mixing files.


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