ArduPlane 3dr gps orientation

Hello, sorry if i'm asking this noobish question but my gps chip is on the left side of the plane like in this picture:


and I wanted to know if I need to do something special like specifiy it in mission planner or something like that.

Thank you very much,


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  • Purchase a longer cable from 3DR? That GPS and magnetometer are crucial to reliable navigation and stability. Said another way, you will crash if not installed properly. The isolation from EMI is also crucial. Aluminum tape, applied with isolating noisy items in mind, is a cheap and easy way to accomplish this.
  • Sorry to up this post but I'm sure it will help a lot of people around here, there isn't many info on how to exactly get the correct ROTATION_X_X and how we can verify that we haven't selected the wrong one.

    I already had a plane that crashed some days ago when I switched the RTL on and I'm sure it's because of the wrong orientation.

  • I have already seen that but the problem is I don't kow which orientation to use.

    ROTATION_X_X what's the default orientation and how can I be sure that I picked the right one ?

  • Sadly my cable isn't long enough to get on the top that's why it's on the side.

    It's the 3DR with the apm 2.6 so I guess there is also the compass inside of it.

    Thanks for your answer :)

  • If someone could help me that would be really great

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