Bad Gyro Health in Pixhawk 2.1

I am building new copter based on pixhawk 2.1 and here+ gps. It will be quite big octo but for now it’s quad with 15" propellers. I have mission planner 1.3.52 and copter firmware 3.5.5. When I am connected to mission planner from time to time I get message “bed gyro health”. It happening almost every time when copter is just laying on the desk and nothing is happening with it. I did accel, level calibration and compass calibration. This info showing only for 1-2 seconds and disappears. I had one test fly and copter was quite steady. I don’t know where to search in log for problems with gyro which parameters I should observe ? For example gyrosq1 is 5 gyrosq3 is 5 but gyrosq2 sometimes is 50. I am quite worried that it’s hardware issue ? How can I check that ? I flashed firmware and did whole procedure of new settings two times and problem still exist :( Anyone any idea what is wrong ?

Please look at video:

It's strange for me that there is no any information with error messages from Mission Planner.

Can anyone help new member of arducopter community :)

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  • It looks like that's not important message and it's safe to fly if it's not appearing during flight.

    Bad Gyro Health in new copter with Pixahwk 2.1
    Profi cnc in that thread wrote: "Bad Gyro is a useful message, but it’s a little lacking in what it means. The initial Gyro calibration happens str…
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