Battery voltage percentage question

Hi guys,

I've got a quick question about the battery voltage percentage shown on the HUD of the APM mission planner. My setup is to measure the total pack voltage (option 3) via the onboard ADCs (not using the Attopilot sensors) and the voltage readout is correct. The percentage reading, however, seems to read 100% constantly, even as the battery voltage reduces. Does anyone know how to get this display to function correctly? I assume that I need to set a maximum and minimum pack voltage to let enable it to figure out the percentage but I can't see an option for this anywhere?



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  • You need to use BATTERY_MONITOR mode 4 if you want to track battery usage. Definition of the values for BATTERY_MONITOR are as follows: 

    0 to disable battery monitoring,

    1 to measure cell voltages for a 3 cell lipo,

    2 to measure cell voltages for a 4 cell lipo,

    3 to measure the total battery voltage (only) on input 1

    4 to measure total battery voltage on input 1 and current on input 2.


    BATT_CAPACITY should be set to your battery capacity in mAh. I set mine to a lower value so that even if I hit 0% I am not in danger of damaging the battery, but this is up to you.


    Once setup it counts down based on the signal from the current sensor. 

  • My guess is that the battery percentage readout is decremented when you have a current sensor connected. Then it can count down based on the battery capacity that you've configured.

    All the attopilot sensor does is apply a voltage to the analogue input proportional to the current it senses.

  • The % is for xbee/mavlink connection strength.  The farther my copters go from my laptop, which has xbee to mission planner, that number drops.

  • 100KM

    I have noticed the same problem.  Also using total pack voltage (option 3) and onboard adc's

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