Blade Tip Speed

Can anyone help me with solutions on controlling blade tip speed?

I used a calculator that Mr. Schmid recommended ( and finally found a combination that may work for the weight I want to lift.

I get a message saying that the Blade Tip Speed is over MACH .85

Is governing the max speed something I can program into the ESC calibration?


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  • William

    The tipspeed is calculated at "full power". The quad should operate at 50%-60% to maintain maneuverability. Try to adjust KV-Voltage(number of cells)-Propsize accordingly. Try to keep the prop pitch as low as possible and the prop size as big as possible because you need thrust (and efficency) only and no speed. Thats why I suggested a "low" RPM, low pitch helihead. You can also go a bit higher in power than the Motor is rated as long as you do not add to much payload. But thats all to be tested. The calculator is well tested and the values I measured in the past years differ a view % only. But thats all based on fixed wing projects.

    For my small custom quad (70cm) I used the same method and I am fine with the result.


    Send me your calcs for comment PM if you want.


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