Calculated wind vector.180deg out


After checking the log of yesterdays flight I see that the status page wind direction varied between 260 and 310 (about 7ms). However, my observed wind and the local weather reports indicate an easterly flow at the time. Also the plane seemed to be trying to compensate for an easterly wind.

Is the planner using standard convention for wind ie your ‘wind in the face heading’ or the opposite?

I have checked the APM compass this morning and all seems fine.

What else could cause this?


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  • Developer

    Hi Leo,

    It's just a matter of conventions. The WIND mavlink message is based on a "wind vector", and gives the direction the airmass is moving. The convention for displaying wind is to give the direction the wind is coming from, which is the opposite convention for wind direction to a wind vector.

    To make things less confusing, for the next release I will change it to send a "wind direction", ie. I will reverse the vector when sending the WIND mavlink message. That will make the wind direction match the convention.

    Thanks for noticing!

    Cheers, Tridge

  • Hi Leo,

    My indicator points in the direction of travel of the wind.

  • Defiantly something wrong here. There was a southerly breeze today but the status in MP was reporting a north wind. Aircraft seemed to ‘know’ there was a southerly so suspect it is a display/reporting error.


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