Calibration problem.

Just arrived today. I ordered a Fly Sky FS-TH9X transmitter and it got delivered opened the box popped the batteries in it. She's boots up. The receiver that came with is wired into the AND and turns on when I turns the transmitter on. (But all the the machine does is constant fast beeping?) And when I try to calibrate the transmitter in Mission Planner. The Green Throttle indicator moves. But none of the other switches move on any of the other green indicators?

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  • You have to assign the switchs to channels in the radio. Look on youtube there are great videos for the switches.
    • Thanks will do...

      • Looks like I received another "defective" transmitter? Can't pull up the FUNC SETTING screen ,<1/2> on it?

        DSC_0009 - Copy.JPG

        • Anyone ever "Flash" a transmitter to reprogram it?

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