I set up a mission, had it take off in auto, When it got about 200 feet away, the transmitter lost signal, the signal from the SIC radio was still good.(telemetry on the tablet) ... on the way back, that started losing signal and then the quad went off course and got stuck in a tree.  On the log file, I dont even see anywhere that it shows it was in auto mode.  I am also not very good at reading these log files yet so I could be missing it.  Is  there a way to find out:

1) why I lost signal so quickly from the transmitter(Taranis QX7)

2) Why it went off course

3) why it crashed into a tree when the altitude was set for 100 feet above the tree.


2017-03-28 01-19-56.log

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  • MP is corrupting your log by adding bad MODE FMT message, if you use ApmPlanner2 for analysis in the future, you'll be much better off :)   

  • I just used mission planner on windows to download it via the log files tab. Not the telemetry one, the next one over.
  • ApmPlanner2 had some problems visualising the log. Did you use some GCS to download it (which) ? Or did that APM had a SD card ?
    Thank you

  • Andre K. said:

    BTW: the reason you could not see mode, is that is incorrectly formatted, (FMT)  - how did you produce the log, converted it from something, or downloaded from an older hardware autopilot ?

    Sorry I missed your reply, the log file was just directly downloaded from the APM 2.6

  • BTW: the reason you could not see mode, is that is incorrectly formatted, (FMT)  - how did you produce the log, converted it from something, or downloaded from an older hardware autopilot ?

  • it enters auto on line 906, and RTL due to battery failsafe at 27218 , and land at 31641 battery drops to 9,47v (3.15v per cell, assuming 3s is very bad), so it's not really flyable at that point)

    you are using old firmware, with little logging enabled.

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