Can't detect apm version. Check your cabling

Hi I have an apm 2560, I have been trying to install new firmware and keep getting " can't detect apm version. Please check your cabling". it was working fine until I added the compass, also my xbees aren't working anymore either? I have since removed the compass and it still will not install new firmware. It will connect to mission planner and functions properly but I just can't upload new firmware?Any help is greatly appreciatedCheersLee. 

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  • I am experiencing the same problem with my APM2.0, it works fine but I am stuck with 2.9 firmware, I get the same msg

    " can't detect apm version. Please check your cabling" did you find out what was wrong with it?, please help...

  • this is whats happening. the board works fine but i just cant upload new firmware

  • Ive tried uploading sketches through arduino 0023 IDE and It won't do anything it just sits on uploading to io board and then after 5 minutes or so I get a message in the black box under the sketch saying timeout avrdude stk500  
    I also have another arduino mega, not apm though, and the code uploads to mission planner no problem.
    Could my board be broken ? Do I need to replace it?
  • Have you tried connecting via Arduino serial monitor? If you can connect via Arduino, you know your board is ok. I have this issue sometimes too and it's intermittent and works differently on different computers :( I attribute it to the fact that I am running APM Planner in virtualization via VMWare Fusion...sorry I can't be more  help.

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