Connecting Multiple Pixracer r15's to One Computer?

Hello all,

I had a couple quick questions about the Pixracer r15. I am new to flight controllers so if these are noobie questions then I apologize. For the wifi connectivity, is there a specific range on that? And how reliable is it? Also, is it possible to connect multiple r15's to once computer and have them all fly autonomously?

If anyone could answer any or all of these questions it would be a huge help. Thanks so much!

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  • The on board wifi module that comes bundled with the R15 has short range, typically usable for easy preflight configuration or if you are playing around within a few metres. For longer range you need a dedicated telemetry module such as this one:

    or this wifi one (sets up a wifi network but with longer range than the small on board one):

    I have yet to try out the external wifi one in the wild (the second link) but I am very happy with the telemetry module in the first link because the air module is very small and very convenient to mount pretty much anywhere.

    mRo SiK Telemetry Radio V2 Air/Ground Bundle
    A SiK Air Telemetry Radio is a small, light and inexpensive open source radio platform that typically allows ranges of better than 300m “out of the b…
  • Gotcha, I appreciate the help. Thank you!

    Ronald Pandolfi said:

    The Pixracer uses an ESP-01 WiFi adapter with embedded 2.4GHz antena. It was not intended for long range communication, but it often yields ~100m range to a laptop with internal WiFi, ~150m range to an WiFi adapter with expternal antenna, ~250m range to a router with multiple antenna and beamforming, and ~1km range to a WiFi adapter with high gain directional antenna. If you need greater range, add a WiFi adapter to the Pixracer with beamforming.
    Connecting Multiple Pixracer r15's to One Computer?
    Hello all, I had a couple quick questions about the Pixracer r15. I am new to flight controllers so if these are noobie questions then I apologize.…
  • The Pixracer uses an ESP-01 WiFi adapter with embedded 2.4GHz antena. It was not intended for long range communication, but it often yields ~100m range to a laptop with internal WiFi, ~150m range to an WiFi adapter with expternal antenna, ~250m range to a router with multiple antenna and beamforming, and ~1km range to a WiFi adapter with high gain directional antenna. If you need greater range, add a WiFi adapter to the Pixracer with beamforming.
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