Dear all
I was wondering if you can expand the logs to record more data at once, without producing errors.
I have enlarged the CTUN logs by simply adding more DataFlash.WriteInt(%variable%); to the Log_Write_Control_Tuning() function and increasing the number in the Log_Read_Control_Tuning() function. I am saving arround 20 to 30 variables to the original 9 variables. See attached file.
This worked very well for a long while (from March till end of April), without errors. When I uploaded some now code of my own (i am writing obstacle avoidance for indoor flight), the logs began to give errornous results. They give negative log numbers and i am not able to download logs or to record new ones. This was similar to . However i started to work on the 2.9.1 arducopter code and added my own code. The problems started to occur on monday 6/05/2013.
What i changed in my code was not related to the logs: i did implement more calculations.
This is what changed before and after the new code:
before after
RAM 900 -> 830 : does the datalog consume more than 830 bytes of RAM when writing?
APM mission planner update to 1.2.48 : can it be a Mission planner bug???
Can some1 plz help my out?