First-time setup: FBWA pitch extremes

I played with APM way back when, but none of that experience seems relevant now. I'm a first time builder for practical purposes.

My setup should be pretty straightforward:

  • Bixler 2
  • Holybro Pix Hawk Mini
  • ArduPilot
  • Mission Planner
  • FrSky Taranis / XM+

The plane flies fine in manual mode. But as  soon as I switch to FBWA, the plane either dives vertically, or attempts to climb vertically. It actually does a surprisingly good job trying to hang on the prop, but I'm just looking for straight-and-level flight.

I have not tuned any of the PID parameters. I assumed that default values would be close enough for a platform like Bixler. Do I need to tune PIDs, or am I missing something simpler?

My parameters file: bixler_w_gps1__batt_rssi.txt


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  • Did u perform gyro and accel calibration properly. if done just done just do once more. also set FBW min speed and FBW max speed. also set FBW climb angle max and min. also chk your TECS values. DO NOT copy bixler parmaetrs as it is. change the ArduPlane default values manually staring with standard parameters values. also adjust yout RC end points in such a way that the controls DO NOT deflect more than 20 degree. after that re calibrate the RC in mission planner.
    • It appears that I had the elevator direction reversed.
  • It appears that I had elevator servo output reversed. I corrected this, and now the plane flies beautifully in manual and auto modes.
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