HK GCS & Micro Maestro


I've been trying to set up antenna tracking using Micro Maestro (

but so far wasnt able to make servos move.

I followed these instructions:

I can control servos 0 and 1 through Pololu software.


Also tried with ssc03a driver using both pololu and mini ssc 2 protocols but no success there as well.

As soon as i move a slider to turn servo, red light (serial error) comes on. 

Connected usb-to-serial out on pc directly to rs232 input on this board using only 2 pins (serial in and ground.) Powered through bec i had laying around.


Anyone got experience troubleshooting this?


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  • Still not sure I've identified the right device.


    Maestro Protocol (Pololu) -  Download the Maestro Software

    1. Launch the Maestro Control Center with your Pololu board connected (and the GCS turned off)
    2. Serial settings tab, select USD Dual Port and press Apply Settings. 
    3. Make note of the device number (12 by default), this will be used on the calibration window of the GCS.
    4. Channel Settings tab you may want to change the min value to 0 and the max value to 3000 for channels 0 and 1. They can be limited using the calibration window in the GCS but failing to set these values in the Maestro Control Center will physically disallow the servos to move outside of the 1000-2000 range in the GCS.
    5. Channel Settings tab set speed to 1000 and acceleration to 255 for channels 0 and 1.
    6. Apply Settings
    7. Launch GCS and select Maestro Protocol, Select Command Port (not TTL in device manager), Baud rate can be set to anything (will auto detect baud rate).
  • Sorry, after further looking, it says it supports Pololu and MiniSSC II. In my experience, MiniSSC II has been the "default" protocol. When you look in device manager, do you see one or two COM ports that get added? I've seen the Command port and the TTL port.


    The other thing is I assume you're powering the board since you've got it moving in the Pololu software.

  • What version of the GCS are you using? You'll need to select the Maestro driver option as I've no no luck getting a Maestro servo to move with MiniSSC or the old Pololu protocols.

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