hello, i tried  the usb connection.. but only s8 assistant  v1.2.1 the sees the quad.. and does not have the option to upgrade firmware..the other software flight tools does  not see my quad

how can i upgrade my quad.. firmware 

thank you

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  • hello, thanks for your reply,, 

    the crash landing was about 8ft from the ground.. it flipped upside down..nothing were broken...its like the calibration is off..

    it hovers ,, but ever so often you get a twich .in the motor.. ,it can ascend very good.. but to descend.. the shakes..from side to side..and then flips over.....i feel its a esc.. sometimes to power on.. only 3 motors spin.. i have to do it over 2-3 times and then it spin up all 4,,

    Jeff Marold said:

    Good to hear that you fixed the original problem, which version of the firmware did you update to? And is flight tools software an improvement over the x8 software? ( I am interested in the waypoints feature). It sounds like in your crash you may have damaged a motor or the esc or maybe the FC (which can happen when a motor burns up). Good luck!

    hello, i tried  the usb connection.. but only s8 assistant  v1.2.1 the sees the quad.. and does not have the option to upgrade firmware..the other so…
  • Good to hear that you fixed the original problem, which version of the firmware did you update to? And is flight tools software an improvement over the x8 software? ( I am interested in the waypoints feature). It sounds like in your crash you may have damaged a motor or the esc or maybe the FC (which can happen when a motor burns up). Good luck!

  • hello, , i gotten it installed,, and i had to use the latest flight tools..

    its much better,, i used to have unlocking problems, gps problems, and esc 

    out of sync. problems,, but since i did it. it worked very good.. very stable. .and unlocking motors in 3 seconds..

    only about 2 weeks ago, i had to regain a RTH.. BECAUSE it was landing into a treetop.. so i pulled it to the left ,and it came down too fast and hit the ground.. upside down.. nothing broke.. but now its shaking if i try to yaw left or right.. one prop spins slower .. and causes it to shake .and sometimes flip over.. so i am using my NEW AEE AP10.. NOW.. UNTILL i figure out if its a esc problem or something else..

  • Fogot to add the link:
  • I just saw your post, did you have any luck upgrading to V2? If not you may need to try the offline update process discussed in the link below. Nite that the offline update does not utilize  shark assistant or sharktools software.

    Good luck!

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