Leopard 2A4... ardutank?

Hello everybody.

This is my first post on your forum. I'd like to ask for help with configuration of my Leopard2.

I've been working on this model last few months. The genaral idea is not neccesariliy building a drone - a normal RC model will be enough for me :) But the problem is that I want to have a stabilised gun with mounted camera, working OSD etc...


Right now model looks like this:




I was able to mount the APM2.5 board with minimOSD, 3DR and FVP set:



And launch it with working osd and telemetry:


Now my problem is - how to set up the ardupilot only to control the turret? Should I run model as arduplane and set up the turret as gimbal? Or maybe set it up as arduplane and use rudder/elevator to stabilise it?

Turret is controlled by two servos - one for up/down movements of gun mantlet and camera, and second one (with unlimited turn) for horisontal rotation.

The model runs on tank module from ElMod - so I do not need to mix chanels - this module is doing it. On this stage I just think how to stabilise the gun mantlet (and camera mount fixed with it). By stabilising I mean that if I "look up" then camera will look up and will keep looking up (but with compensation of the hull movements) when I release the lever.

P.S. My apologies for using links to images - I just couldn't figure out how to attach the photobucket photos...

Obrót 3.JPG

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  • Hi, did you already solved it?

    I would go for Arducopter firmware and use gimbal stabilization for the gun. You can configure it to just stabilize pitch.

  • Did you scratch build that?  I thought it was one of the Chinese tank models, but then I see it's metal inside?

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