Minimosd with a 4s Lipo

Hi, I am looking into installing a APM2.5+ with gps plus a Minimosd on a TBS DISCOVERY board. 

I need to use a 4s Lipo for main power on the TBS DISCOVERY. I would like to power everything off the same Lipo to save weight as weight is a big issue on the TBS.

I don´t want to buy a TBS CORE to manage the power on board because it is too expensive.

Please have a look to see if this will work out.


Can i use a step down like in the diagram from the frame + - points to step down the voltage from 14.8v to 12v for the minimosd, vtx, and video camera?

APM 2.5+ Assembled Set with Power Module

3DR GPS uBlox LEA-6

Ardupilot Mega MinimOSD Rev. 1.1

DC-DC Buck Converter Step Down Module LM2596 Power Supply Output 1.23V-30V

IMMERSION 5.8 GHZ 600MW VIDEO TRANSMITTER(6-25V input voltage, 2S-6S LiPo compatible)

600TVL SONY SUPER HAD CCD D-WDR Color Board Camera with OSD Menu DNR (12V)

If anybody thinks some other configuration is better or if this one will not work please do tell me!

Thanks for the help. :)

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  • 3692918555?profile=original

    This is how i got my setup. So far no magic smoke.

    I use the internal battery of my gopro.

    Do you guys think i can continue to use this or am i looking for trouble?

    If i decide to power my gopro from my lipo can i just pass a wire from 5v out of the minimosd to 5v in and use gnd from minimosd gnd out?

  • Moderator

    Hi did this work? I'm also thinking a setup like this. However, I'm curious whether it is okay to feed 4S LiPo power directly to the buck converter. Thanks.

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