I have 302 way points on a sd card for a test track that I would like to load into the APM 2.5+ module. The APM module will be used to guide a rover type vehicle around the test track.
1, Can the way points be loaded from the Mission Planner?
2. Will the APM accommodate that many waypoints?
3. How can you download them into the APM?
4. What should be the format of each waypoint?
1+3) yes, you can right click on the map in 'Flight Planner' mode, select 'File Load/Save' from the popup menu
2) I doubt you'll reach 302. I'm not sure if the limitation is in the number of waypoints or the total amount of memory for mission storage, but I seem to only be able to get to around 120 or so when I try before it corrupts the EEPROM:
4) The easiest thing is to make a new little mission in MP, save that out as a file (from the same popup menu) and look at the resulting format, it's pretty straightforward