My first drone with PXFMINI


I am new with drones and I started to build one using a PXFMINI with :

- this quadropter frame :

- a Raspberry pi 0 W

- transmitter FlySky FS-I6 (I have set the PPM output and the mode 2)

- FS-IA6B receiver.

I am using APM Planner 2 as ground station application and the wireless of the rpi0W. The communication between APM planner and the PXFMini+RPI0W is ok.

The transmitter and the receiver are well binded (continous red light on the receiver).

The first step is to calibrate the RC using the APM Planner. And I do not manage to do this.

The green bars do not move in realtime when I move the sticks.

3691368043?profile=originalI don't know what could be the problem ...

Thanks for any hint.

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