New Arducopter flew a few times, now flips over

I have a new Arducopter running 2.9.1 that flew a few times after being put together.  It started bucking wildly in flight and now won't take off, it just flips over.

Has anyone ever seen this?  I have checked my connections, calibrated the ESC's a number of times, set the compass, but it still wants to take off and flip over backwards...if I give it a little throttle the front end picks up long before the back.

I can compensate with controls but it never used to do this.

Anyone have any ideas?

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  • So after testing and re-testing the propeller directions, calibrating the ESC's, leveling, etc. I finally went the route of a hard reset and re-installed the system.  I then went about manually testing and calibrating everything via the CLI.

    Long story short...the copter is in the air again and working like a champ.  I also came across a helpful tip to always disarm and level from the remote when I am done flying.

    Thank you for all of the help from the awesome community here.

    Up next, upgrading to a hex as we can't life enough video/camera gear with a quad.

  • I have experienced two cases of flip over during take off even the connections and settings look good. First, the gyro is damaged after crash, if you connect to MP and find the artificial horizon doing weird thing, that could be the problem. Second, it happens today, after flip over, i check everything is normal except the wire to optical flow sensor's ground is disconnected. After I connect it back, the copter fly very well.
  • T3
    Flip at take off usually means a prop rotation problem or APM position. Recheck prop rotation and APM position. Do you have any logs? Also check your frame type, X or +. If your APM is set for X and you level as +, you get an instant flip.
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