Newbie Hobbyist Building a MultiCopter.


I am a new Hobbyist who is currently working on a Hexacopter, that will utilize my HICTOP prusia i3 3d printer (270 * 200 * 170mm build area) to create molds, to then pour reclaimed aluminum from pop cans into a form of lost PLA/ABS casting to form the frame and is looking for some help/support/information that will make making this Hex much easier to make. I would like to design most of the frame by myself as I have some loose specifications for the project. I plan on using my raspberry pi to receive signals on my iPad mini/iPhone 5c via creating a wireless network that I can connect to and control the direction the RC will move, where the camera I am planning to use (Polaroid Cube+) is pointing, and how quickly the copter is moving.

The reason I have started this discussion is I am an ultra noob, as I have just started getting into building the Hex itself. 

It would be very helpful if you could give me information on what motor I should use, what flight controller I should use, what prop, frame type, and battery packs I should get to power the rPi (B+), motors, and camera.

One more thing is that I want to route the video that is being recorded by the Cube+, as it is relatively well priced and has wifi capabilities, to be saved to my Macbook Pro. 

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