OSD working sporadically in the air

Hi all,


This is my hack on an APM1. As i understand the telemetry this should be ok. So now i have 4 rows of pins that I can connect to telemetry, OSD, IOboard and who knows what else. This worked great with telemetry and OSD for a while but now there are some problems. Might be related to Arducopter 3.xx or new vibration or something else...

The problem I am having now is that everything works great on the ground but in the air the OSD layer stops working. After a while the OSD layer comes on again only to disappear again. Im guessing the problem has to do with sloppy soldering and maybe bad connectors + vibration.

Or is there something more fundamentally wrong with my setup?

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  • I improved the connectors and now it works perfectly. 
    LESSON: Dont use crappy connectors...

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