Parkzone T-28 Trojan autopilot platform

I decided to use the Parkzone T-28 as the initial plane for my APM.  I picked it beacause it is a straight forward 4 channel foam plane that fits in my trunk assembled and it has a huge removable canopy.  I am going to move the tail servos to the fuselage just ahead of the tail, install a seperate nose wheel steering servo under the nose, and move the battery forward.  This will completely empty out the large area under the canopy for the electronics.  I also cut the bottom of the canopy flush to increase the space.


The pictures are of a quick mock up to check the center of gravity before I do anything permanant. It looks like it is in the ballpark.


Another good feature is that somewhere I saw a replacement canopy with a camera on it, it looks like it would be easy to make also.


I like flying this plane and learned a lot while flying it. I am building a completely new plane for the APM, the old one has been through a lot!  I am wondering if anybody else is using this or similar planes?




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  • Hi John,

    I've been using a T-28 troughout the last year getting my first experience with Ardupilot. The T-28 is a great plane, stable and forgiving just what one needs to get into this. before I had the Ardupliot I was doing an FPV flight when I lost orientation an flew out of range. Driving around with my son wearing the gogles and using a directional antenna we found it 5km downwind sitting in a field fully unharmed. Since then I changed to the Multiplex Mentor bas i needed more space to combine Ardupilot and FPV.



  • Bill B, the Park zone T28 is a great all around plane. I am on my third one. My first T28 was my second RC airplane, I slowly wore it out, while learning to fly. Number 2 is the one posted here, I built it specifically to use with the APM 1. It flew great for a while but crashed while helping to identify an early software bug. And now number 3 is on the workbench (with several other projects).

    I have used a few different motors, but with the autopilot I used an E-flight park 450 motor, because it seemed smooth, quiet, and efficient. I have always used a 3s 2200 mAh battery in the T-28.
  • I have almost an hour flight time on this new T28 build and it is working very well.  I initially had the 3DR Radio mounted in the space between the wing and fuselage but that caused interference resulting in aileron jitter.  working great so far.3692734762?profile=original

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