After a couple of days of trial and error, botched solder jobs, and near divorce-level frustration trying to neatly contain all the zillions of wires my Y6 is ready for her first flight tomorrow.

Gentle throttle tests thus far seem to make it want to tip forward... I'm hoping that's just a blowback issue and that it will gracefully rise up when it gets some real power in the morning.  I'm excited to fly and I'm particularly impressed with how helpful and responsive these forums are.  You people are awesome!


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  • I'm near Bozeman.  Having a blast testing the Y6, Mission Planner, etc.... it's a lot to take in but really pretty amazing.  Trying to take things as slowly as possible to avoid any major mishaps.  Have you used yours for anything new and exciting?

  • Hey Amos,

    Congrats on the Y6!  It's got a cousin up north in Montana, just flew its first waypoints yesterday.  I assume you sorted your liftoff issues, but if not... be sure to check prop and motor directions.  On my first test flight I had affixed the 11" props on random lower motors and 10" props on random upper motors.  This ended up providing some negative thrust so it was impossible to liftoff.  Check the build manual for which motors should use normal props and which ones should use pusher props.

    If that's not the issue, it could just be normal behavior when still within the ground-effect.  If I try to slowly liftoff, mine almost always gives a strange tilt. But give it a sharp increase from 0% to 50% throttle and it should liftoff perfectly vertically with no tilt.

    Good luck, and keep us posted!

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