Pixhawk losing altitude in Auto mode

My x4 quadcopter with Pixhawk is losing altitude when traveling between waypoints in Auto mode. Once it gets to the next waypoint (where it is told to delay 2 seconds), it regains the altitude it was supposed to be in through the path. This goes on between many waypoints placed in a line, as can be seen in the screenshot taken from the KML of the flight. I am attaching graphs of my barometer alt and the gps's relative altitude. How can I fix this problem? 

Thank you for your help.3691291541?profile=original3691291613?profile=original

Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 4.10.16 PM.png

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  • hint:  posting a .BIN log could actually enable somebody to give you the answer. (unless you prefer wild guessing)  :)

    • Thanks!

      2016-04-15 15-22-31.bin

      • if you plot CTUN.BarAlt and BARO.press   , you can see the sensor does clearly see the pressure increase as it descends.

        So it's not wind/speed influence, but tuning.

        I'd suggest you upgrade to current release, and compare your settings to defaults, keeping only offsets, modes, stab and rate PID's and other known-to-be-good parameters.  - then try to tune it from there.

  • Thanks for your suggestion James. My altitude hold P gain is already at 1.00. Mission Planner does not let me raise it above 1.00.

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