Recommend PID Settings - X550 Frame Quad

Hey all,

Wondering if someone can recommend me some PID settings for my setup.


I have:

- APM2

-X550 cheap frame

- 4 x Turnigy 2217 20turn 860kv 22A Outrunner

- Gaui 8 inch props - ( Only size props I have.


Any PID settings either suggestions or param file would be great.




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  • You can start with the parameters I posted. You can find them in the wiki.  It's reallyu stable but I went with different motors and esc.  I've got 1200kv 26-28A NTM motors  and 30A BlueSeries ESC.  I "think" the only loiter drift I have left is from the GPS.  The other was from one NTM motor that failed.

    Let me know how my paramters work for you. You should weigh your quad too. weight  power, and props have a lot to do with it. I use 10.47" props.  I can lift a 6000ma Lipo and a camera no problem!

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