responsiveness of the UAV

I hope you will come to understand my problem because I do not speak English very well.
I run my drone only by applying Dronekit in a python program.
I send alternately a command to change the speed of the drone (send_mavlink with a message like vehicle.message_factory.set_position_target_local_ned_encode) and another one to change the heading with a message like vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode.
I regularly read the information on my drone using vehicle.location.global_frame or vehicle.velocity or vehicle.heading.
My problem : I read every 0.2 second the drone values and regularly they are identical, so that 0.2 seconds after a command has been sent. (identical for the 11 decimal places).
Is that there is a parameter relating to the updating of the GPS ? Or is the problem just something else ?
Thank you very much for your help !

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