Search and Rescue Project Help Needed to Finish!


I am doing a project to augment Search and Rescue operations as we know it with Semi-Autonomous UAVs. About a month ago we tried to join modules together but we hit a major problem with making the Arducopter fly in AUTO mode. We need to get the Quadcopter following the waypoints before Friday, the project presentation date. 

Below is a screenshot of a log we downloaded yesterday. I have also attached the log to this post. The waypoint file for this flight only contained two waypoints and an RTL mode. Before this flight we tested Loiter mode and it worked well. In this flight however, we had multiple fly-aways with the Auto mode. 


We believe that our project has potential. We have presented at the NCUR conference last week, we will be presenting at another event today, but for this project to come together we need a video of the waypoint navigation working with system by Friday. 


Frame: DJI F450 kit with motors and escs (original)

Autopilot: APM 2.5+

GPS & Compass: ublox RCtimer version

I have done autotune to tune the craft. 


2015-04-19 12-40-12.log

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