Sharing APM GPS with DOSD?

Is anyone doing this? I use DOSD for my on-screen display and I want to share the GPS strings between the two devices. I know with DOSD I can use pass-through mode and it will send the NMEA strings over the serial port, but with my APM connected to DOSD  i don't see anything. I have my DOSD serial port connected to soldered pins on the APM board GPS Port (Tx,Rx, GND).


I am wondering if I can pass the GPS strings from APM to DOSD GPS port instead.

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  • Ok, So I have tried just about everything... The DOSD recognizes the GPS fine. I swapped the serial tx/rx polarity several times, still the same result. I found out that the DOSD serial port is set to 115200 baud rate. Doesn't look like I can change that. I tried adding that rate in AP_GPS_Auto, but I still get gibberish out of the DOSD serial port in the CLI test. It looks the same as if I were to leave the GPS port open and not connected to anything.


    I guess I will have to ditch DOSD for this project and use Remzibi...

  • Have you got DOSD passing the correct sentences.  It is capable of sending three types.

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